Many people have difficulty studying their Bibles because all they see is a collection of books containing many different ideas and concepts. They have difficulty making sense out of what seems to be a hodgepodge and conglomeration of historical information. They are unable to “see the forest for the trees.” The purpose of this study is to pinpoint the singular essence and thrust of each book of the Bible. Outlines are provided on each book to help the Bible student grasp its overall layout. Central themes are identified so that the student may capture the intended purpose and gist of each book.
The entire Bible may be boiled down to two bottom-line themes. The complete message of the Bible may be distilled into two points that run through all sixty-six books, condensed into two words: grace and obedience. “Grace” refers to the incredible efforts that God has orchestrated to make it possible for human beings to be forgiven of sin and permitted to live eternally with Him. He so loved the world that He gave His only Son to atone for the sins of humanity. Here is the most important thing in the entire world—the scarlet thread that weaves its way throughout Bible history. Certainly, the divine scheme of redemption is the central theme of the Bible. The second key point of the Bible is the essentiality of human obedience—correct response to God. As a matter of fact, the bulk of the contents of the Bible expound upon this theme. Most of the information in the Bible details how human beings have responded to the instructions of God. Sadly, the Bible reports to us that most people have chosen not to obey God’s will. [Extracted from the author’s book Piloting the Strait, 1996, p. 457.]
As one studies through the 66 books of the Bible, one will see that every point, every concept, and every minor lesson that rises from the text is tied back into these two bottom-line themes. Everything in the Bible is designed to instruct people about the one true God of the Universe and His redemptive activity, and then to elicit obedience as the only appropriate response. When one scans the course of human history, one cannot help but be struck by two conclusions. First, most human beings have failed to render obedience to the God of Heaven. Thus, the majority of the human race, literally billions and billions of people, will spend their eternity in the lake of fire (Matthew 7:13; Romans 9:27; Hebrews 3:16-19). However, they have only exercised their own free will. They have only themselves to blame, since God has done everything possible to provide them with an antidote to their sin. We can make it—if we want to!
Second, we cannot help but marvel at God’s patient outworking from eternity through thousands of years of human history. Someone has likened the Patriarchal period to starlight, the Mosaic period to moonlight, and the period of Christianity to sunlight. The message of the Old Testament has been summarized as “Christ is coming,” while the New Testament conveys that “Christ has come and will come again.” God’s communication to the human race has been systematic, deliberate, and carefully orchestrated. He is so gracious and so compassionate that, despite widespread rejection of His will by the vast majority of the human race, He patiently brought to fruition His ultimate intentions. He made it possible for those who truly wish to do so to spend eternity with Him and His Son. Out of just this context, Paul’s words ring with inexpressible joy:
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! “For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor? Or who has first given to Him and it shall be repaid to him?” For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen (Romans 11:33-36).
May God bless you as you study His Word and equip yourself to live for Him.
Dave Miller